Thursday, June 15, 2006

God Is Light

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5, RSV

"No one seems completely at home in the dark, even though most of us learn to accustom ourselves to it. We invent devices to make the dark less threatening -- a candle, a fire, a flashlight, a lamp. In the darkness we are liable to lose perspective and proportion: nightmares terrorize us, fears paralyze us.

A light that shines in the darkness shows that the terror and the chaos have no objective reality to them. ... If there is something to be feared, the light shows the evil in proportionate relationship to all that is not to be feared.

We do not live in darkness, but in light. God is light."

Reversed Thunder

God is Light, God's Message for Each Day by Eugene Peterson

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