Monday, June 26, 2006

The Desires of My Heart

Elizabeth Elliot Devotional

Title: The Desires of My Heart

I had been praying for something I wanted very
badly. It seemed a good thing to have, a thing
that would make life even more pleasant than it
is, and would not in any way hinder my work. God
did not give it to me. Why? I do not know all of
his reasons, of course. The God who orchestrates
the universe has a good many things to consider
that have not occurred to me, and it is well that
I leave them to Him. But one thing I do
understand: He offers me holiness at the price of
relinquishing my own will.

"Do you honestly want to know Me?" He asks. I
answer yes. "Then do what I say," He replies. "Do
it when you understand it; do it when you don't
understand it. Take what I give you; be willing
not to have what I do not give you. The very
relinquishment of this thing that you so urgently
desire is a true demonstration of the sincerity
of your lifelong prayer: Thy will be done.

So instead of hammering on heaven's door for
something which it is now quite clear God does
not want me to have, I make my desire an
offering. The longed-for thing is material for
sacrifice. Here, Lord, it's yours.

He will, I believe, accept the offering. He will
transform it into something redemptive. He may
perhaps give it back as He did Isaac to Abraham,
but He will know that I fully intend to obey Him.

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