Monday, April 24, 2006

A Smooth Path

Elizabeth Elliott Transcript

The work of heavy highway equipment is to smooth
the way for travelers by exalting valleys, making
low the mountains and hills, straightening the
crooked. Obstacles--trees, rocks, houses, even
mountains themselves--are put out of the way.
This is what the Lord can do for his travelers
(it is promised by the prophet Isaiah), but He
does it without fuss, and in response to the one
who simply thinks of Him: "Think of Him in all
your ways, and He will smooth your path" (Prv.
3:6 NEB).

The mind can build barriers, produce huge
obstacles, collide with boulders of
impossibility. Strangely and wonderfully, when we
turn our thoughts to Him with whom nothing is an
impossibility (and to turn thoughts takes an act
of will), He smoothes the path for us. We find it
possible, maybe even easy, to move forward.

Don't waste time, energy, perhaps sleep-time,
thinking of all those rocks in the way. Think of
Him. Think of Him! You may find your path
suddenly smoothed.

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