Thursday, April 06, 2006

Grace and Love

The foundations of the City walls were garnished with every precious gem imaginable: ... The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate a single pearl. ...

Revelation 21: 19, 21 (The Message)

"St. John gives us a vision of heaven, for if we have no vision of heaven, we will almost certainly be leveled to a monochrome existence -- colorless do-gooders who see everything in terms of black and white, whose lives are drab with moral drudgery. But the life of grace and the love of Christ are nothing if not extravagant. ...

The light of heaven is not a blur of a forty-watt bulb, hanging naked in the night. It is colors, light that reveals the specific hue and texture of everything in creation. In the light we are surrounded by and washed in an exuberant Niagara of color."

Reversed Thunder

Grace and Love, God's Message For Every Day by Eugene Peterson.

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