Wednesday, April 26, 2006

God Saves from Sin

"If your sins are blood-red, they'll be snow-white."

Isaiah 1: 18 (The Message)

"I have sinned against the Lord" (2 Sam. 12: 13, RSV) is a sentence full of hope. It's full of hope because it's a sentence full of God.

The Latin phrase felix culpa, usually attributed to Augustine, puts the hope in a slogan: "O happy sin!" Only when I recognize and confess my sin am I in a position to recognize and respond to the God who saves me from my sin. If I'm ignorant of or indifferent to my sin, I'm ignorant of or indifferent to the great and central good news: "Jesus saves!" "

Leap Over a Wall

God Saves from Sin, God's Message for Each Day by Eugene Peterson.

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