Friday, March 10, 2006

Making the Mundane Meaningful

The Christian Working Woman |

Do you have any divine appointments today? If we look for them, we may discover all kinds of divine appointments in our everyday worlds. One way is to look for your divine appointments. They may be interruptions, changes of schedule, and they are usually totally unexpected. But if we look for them, we'll find lots of them.

On a business trip, I was riding in a hotel van from the airport, just me and a nice young man employed by the hotel. I was tired and only wanted to get to the hotel fast, get in my room, take off my shoes and order dinner! But as we rode along, this young man started talking about himself.

My first inclination was just to listen, nod my head and so forth, but not encourage the conversation. That's because I had been talking all day in a training seminar, and I just didn't want to talk anymore. But that inner voice kept urging me to pursue this conversation. So, he chatted about his life and his struggles, and a special girl he liked.

Finally the door opened for me to mention that I was a Christian, and he looked at me with big eyes, "You're a Christian? So am I." As the discussion continued, I learned that he's a new Christian, with some struggles and questions, but a big heart for God. So, I was able to encourage him a little bit. We sat at the hotel and talked a few more minutes, then he had to get back to work. I promised to pray for him and send him some materials, which I have.

As we parted, I said, "You know, Glenn, this was a divine appointment, wasn't it? I had intended to take a taxi to the hotel, but decided to save some money and wait for you to come. I'm glad I did." He smiled and shook his head. "I'm glad you did, too; you've been a help to me."

Divine appointments. You never know when you'll have one, so you have to be prepared and go the extra mile. It may be slightly inconvenient, but afterwards you see how God turned a mundane activity into a meaningful encounter with one of his surprising divine appointments. You know, if you look for one today, I think you'll find it.

Friday, March 10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That really hit home with me! I will try to keep that in mind today!