Thursday, July 13, 2006

When Your Dream Dies

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Thursday, July 13, 2006

God's ways are not our ways. You've heard that said, I'm sure. For me, one of the first lessons I learned in the grieving and healing process of a shattered dream was that the way to find relief and healing was by giving of myself to others. I began to see how totally self-centered my mind had been as I watched my dream die. There is a very strong temptation to curl up in the fetal position, close your door, shut everyone out, and throw a major pity party! My mind was consumed with my loss and I could hardly focus on anything or anyone else.

But as I began to spend time in God's Word and get back into a close relationship with the Lord, my sensitivity to others began to grow. And, really without consciously recognizing it, I began reaching out to help others in various small ways. Then I became involved in some ministries at my church, and one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was busy with things other than myself.

I see now how crucial that was to my healing and relief from the pain of the death of my dream. If I hadn't become involved in the lives of others, I wonder where I'd be today.

How about you? Are you in retreat mode right now? Well, you may need a short time for recuperation, but please, don't spend too much time there because the healing and joy you seek will be found as you get out of yourself and start focusing on others. Often we tend to think that we are only able to help others when we have it all together ourselves. But nothing could be further from the truth. We help others the most when we are able to empathize with them, and what better time to demonstrate true compassion than when you're wounded yourself.

I can think of so many people I know who are going through great pain in their personal life, but in the midst of it, are ministering with great effectiveness to those around them. And in the midst of giving to others, their own pain is lessened. In Proverbs we read that when we refresh others, we are ourselves refreshed. It goes back to the principle of reaping what you sow. If you need encouragement and help today on your journey back from a broken dream, then give it out to someone else. God will pour it back into your life in ways you've never imagined.

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