Thursday, July 20, 2006

Temptation Escape Route

The Christian Working Woman Transcript

Thursday, July 20, 2006

"Well, I just couldn't help it; that's my weakness." Did you ever hear an explanation like that for yielding to some temptation?

Think of Adam and Eve and their infamous temptation. How could they have avoided falling for Satan's lies and eating that forbidden fruit? Well, the first time that evil serpent spoke to them should have been a clear warning, because he started with, "Did God really say...." Oh, Adam and Eve, there's a red flag as big as you please. When some temptation starts to cause you to question God's Word or God's authority, look for your escape route fast.

Eve could have said, "Yes, God said it and God is right–so get out of here Satan. I'm not falling for your lies." If we resist Satan he must flee from us. Or, Adam could have stepped in at any point and refused to be a part of this deception. He was there the whole time. Why didn't he say, "No, Eve, wait a minute, you know what God has said and we're going to obey God. Get out of here Satan." But he willingly went along with her suggestion to eat the forbidden fruit.

Maybe they never thought they'd be tempted in such a way, and they weren't prepared. Maybe it was easier for Adam to go along and not upset Eve by refusing to cooperate. At any rate, they both bit hard and the consequences have been with us forever.

Think about how Joseph handled temptation. A woman–his boss's wife–tried to seduce him many times, and once even grabbed him physically. But Joseph had decided ahead of the temptation that this was not right and had determined never to yield. He knew being alone with her was the wrong thing to do, so when she grabbed him, he ran and ran fast, leaving his coat behind him in her grasp. He didn't stop to persuade or explain, he just got out of there. Joseph knew how to get away from temptation, and he didn't treat it gingerly or diplomatically. He ran.

How do you handle temptation? Are your escape routes carefully planned?

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