Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bread and Wine

"This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." Luke 22: 19, NSRV

"Jesus was fond of using the common setting of meals, dinners, and wedding suppers both for telling stories and engaging in conversation. ...

We know that Jesus worshiped in synagogues and temple, the standard places where God was worshiped and Scripture taught. But most of his teaching and prayer took place in streets and fields, on the mountains and in the homes where he gave and was given meals. When he established a way for his followers to maintain what they had experienced, received and been commanded by him to do, he did it by telling them to have a meal together of bread and wine. They did it. And we keep doing it."

Reversed Thunder

Bread and Wine, God's Message for Each Day by Eugene Peterson.

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