Thursday, May 26, 2011

Great Commission and Missional

Excerpt from Ed Stetzer: Developing Missional Churches for the Great Commission, Part Two: The Great Commission and Missional Thinking


Jesus was sent from the Father on a mission with an agenda: redemption. He is redeeming people and the world to and for Himself. And, that means we must be passionate about the advance of the gospel because of Jesus' call and his example. You can be an evangelistic church and not be missional, but you cannot be a missional church and not be evangelistic. Let me say it this way. If we are not developing "missional" churches for the Great Commission, we are not developing missional churches--at least in a biblical sense of the word. Yes, handing out coffee, teaching kids to read, and picking up trash in a park can be done for Christ. When we do these types of things, we are seeking to make the world more like Jesus intends for it to be. Seeking to be missional, however, without following the commissions of Jesus is not joining God on mission. It is merely pursuing a mission that we have created, not one where we follow Jesus on the mission he proclaimed.

Two perspectives must be embraced to develop missional churches for the Great Commission. We need a strong DNA and a corresponding culture that cultivates the conviction that Great Commission lifestyles are critical to accomplishing the mission God. New churches have the opportunity to shape a Missional DNA into new congregation. For existing churches, installing a Great Commission and missional DNA is a retrofit issue. Regardless of the church's age, cultivating DNA is hard work. The concept of being a missionary cannot be taught through reading good books and attempting to modify behavior. The significance and implications of the Great Commission must be fully internalized by core leadership teams in new or existing congregations. It takes time and leadership to cultivate and mature this DNA in the life of the church.

A Great Commission Ethic must be championed. The ethic is: We will, as we go, make disciples, baptize, and teach with a focus on people groups in the authority of Jesus Christ. To not do this is to ignore or marginalize the Great Commission, and that opposes biblical Christianity because it opposes the character and work of Christ. He was sent by His Father to establish the kingdom of God on the earth and redeem a people by His death for the kingdom, and He is the Sender of a sent people who are commissioned to speak and live out His message.

Part three will consider the challenge of being missional. For now, feel free to discuss and weigh in.

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