Friday, December 29, 2006

Mary, The Mother of Jesus

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Though the topic is about Mary, I think we have to take a look at Joseph as well. I'm sure he was chosen of God for his part in the birth of Jesus as much as Mary was. Like Mary, he had a wonderful heart attitude. I believe you may have a new appreciation for Joseph.

We have to understand that though Mary and Joseph were only engaged to be married when Mary becomes pregnant, an engagement was as binding as marriage under their laws.

When Joseph learns of Mary's pregnancy, his first decision was to divorce her quietly. This would have been the kindest thing he could have done under the law at that time.

But an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and informs him that Mary has been chosen to bear the Son of God. The angel directs Joseph to marry Mary and take care of her. And in that same simple faith that Mary exhibited, Joseph believes and obeys. This was no easy thing for a Jewish man to do. Undoubtedly he endured ridicule and rejection for his decision. But we see that Joseph had a steadfast, obedient heart. Then he has to take Mary on that awful trip to Bethlehem, and subject her to a stable for a delivery room. That had to be frustrating for him.

Then shortly after the birth, instead of returning home to his family and business as he had planned, he had to take his wife and this child and flee his country, going to Egypt in order to save their lives. And all of this for a baby that was not even his.

We see how Joseph was continually called on to change his plans, relinquish his rights, subject himself to disgrace and much inconvenience in order to obey the Lord. But we never see him complaining or bemoaning his lot in life. He sacrificed a great deal for Mary and her precious Son. His love for the Lord and for Mary must have been enormous. Mary must have thanked God for Joseph time and again.

Think of Joseph when you're called on to do something inconvenient, when God changes your plans and asks something difficult of you. Think of his obedient heart and be encouraged that God has good eternal reasons for what he is asking. Like Joseph, we need obedient and non-complaining heart attitudes.

Key Thought: "We see how Joseph was continually called on to change his plans, relinquish his rights, subject himself to disgrace and much inconvenience in order to obey the Lord. But we never see him complaining or bemoaning his lot in life."

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