Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mary, Mother of Jesus

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

As you hear the Christmas story retold this season, look beyond those manger scenes and see the heart of the most blessed woman who ever lived, Mary the mother of Jesus. I think we can learn a great deal from this simple, trusting woman.

Can you appreciate the enormity of what Mary was asked to accept by faith? She was asked to believe that she would become pregnant without ever having relations with any man. And Mary believed. Why do you think Mary so readily believed what Gabriel told her? Was she just born that way? I don't think so. We know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And we know from what Mary says later to Elizabeth that she knew the Word of God and believed it. So when Gabriel brought this further word to her, she was prepared to believe.

None of us will ever learn to trust God until we spend consistent, quality and quantity time in his Word. Instant faith is not possible unless and until you make trusting God a part of your everyday life. And that comes by knowing Him better and better through His Word.

When Mary tells her cousin Elizabeth her news, Elizabeth calls Mary blessed, and Mary answers with one of the most beautiful passages in all of Scripture, known as the Magnificat as found in Luke 1.

This Magnificat shows us again the kind of woman Mary was–a woman of praise. Mary could have said: "Oh, Elizabeth, what am I going to do? What will I tell Joseph? What will Joseph say? If he doesn't marry me, where will I go?" But Mary had a praising heart, and she was able to see the real importance of her position, rather than focusing on the negatives. So she thanked and praised God for his eternal purposes, though her life on earth was to be very difficult.

Like Mary, we need hearts of praise in order to find favor with God. How much time do you spend each day simply praising Him for who He is and what He has done for you? Notice that Mary used Scripture to recite back to the Lord in praise. That's a wonderful way to praise God, by reciting Scripture. You could use this wonderful Magnificat for your own personal praise time. The Psalms are full of praise passages.

Develop a heart of praise. This Christmas season would be a wonderful time to do just that.


Key Thought: None of us will ever learn to trust God until we spend consistent, quality and quantity time in his Word. Instant faith is not possible unless and until you make trusting God a part of your everyday life. And that comes by knowing Him better and better through His Word.

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