Friday, December 08, 2006


Christian Working Woman Transcript

Friday, December 8, 2006

As Fran wakes on this Wednesday morning, she asks herself: "Why did you pass on information you didn't know was true?"

She tries to blame Andy because he’s the one who told her this gossip about Bill Best. But the Spirit of God won’t let her get by with that. She knows that what comes out of her mouth is her responsibility

But she's not ready to confront her sin, so, quickly she gets up and gets busy. Activity is one way she tries to block out the voice of Jesus.

As she arrives at work that morning, feeling just awful inside, her manager, comes into her office. "Fran, do you know that somebody has started a vicious rumor about Bill Best and why he's leaving the company, and there's not one word of truth to it. He's just been diagnosed with cancer of the lungs and they give him maybe six months to live, but he didn't want people to know before he left. And now, I hear this rumor that he was asked to resign because of something unethical. I just can't believe how cruel people can be."

Fran remains very quiet; she is devastated by what Marilyn tells her. After Marilyn leaves, Fran drops in her chair and lowers her head on her desk. This is the worst thing I've ever done, she thinks to herself. How could it happen?

Well, obviously Fran has got some serious mending to do, with the Lord and some other people. Gossip is not a game to play; gossip is malicious and harmful and it can cause irreparable damage to people and relationships.

Slipping into the gossip mode is easy to do. Fran never intended to become a gossiper. She relied on the accuracy of her information because it came from someone she trusted. She didn't check out her facts, but even if the facts had been true, there was no need whatsoever to pass this on. And in the end she's caused harm to an innocent man, damaged her relationship with Andy, and probably lost some respect from her coworkers. A big price to pay for passing on rumors.

I want to challenge you to memorize Ephesians 4:29:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

And pray that verse every morning into your life. If you and I practice this verse, it will stop gossip dead in its tracks.

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