Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Break Stereotypes

Excerpt from Dan Kimball:  The Abbey in the newspaper again


When we first began dreaming and praying about planting Vintage Faith Church, we always had The Abbey coffeehouse, music and art lounge as part of it. The Abbey is actually in the church building we are in.

The hope was to break stereotypes of Christians and the church in our local community and to provide a place for people to hang out. It has been so fun to see things develop and that there are local college students are in The Abbey all the time during the school year. It even won some awards as runner-ups in our local weekly entertainment paper after only being open a year.

I have blogged about The Abbey various times as the local newspapers have been so gracious to write about it. When we opened it, it made the front page of the main daily newspaper and I have written about other Abbey things here and here.


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