Monday, October 04, 2010


Mark Batterson post:  The Lord Is Rejoicing Over You

I think we often feel like God is watching over us waiting for us to do something wrong. Why? Because, too often, that is often how we function as earthly parents. But God is watching over us waiting for us to do something right. And He rejoices over the things we do right. Even the small things. Especially the small things.

We quote Zechariah 4:10 a lot. "Don't despite the day of small beginnings." But I think we miss the middle of the verse: "For the Lord rejoices to see the word begin." All they've done is measure at this point. They haven't even broken ground. In a sense, they haven't really done anything yet, but God is already rejoicing. I honestly believe that God is looking any any and every excuse to rejoice over us. Our Heavenly Father is a proud parent. And I promise you this: He is rejoicing over you!

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