Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Touched Powerfully

Christine Wyrtzen  Devotional:

To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints.  Romans 1:7

Have you ever been on a life changing trip?  Perhaps it was a mission trip and what you saw and experienced changed you to the core.  You returned back home with pictures and stories and couldn't wait to share your experiences with others.  Your undying passion was evidence of the cataclysmic events that occurred while you spent time away.

After the resurrection, a group of believers gathered to worship and pray.  Acts 2 describes them as being of 'one accord'.  That means that what they shared in common was a passionate love for Jesus, the One who had loved them, changed them, and now had ascended from them into heaven.  Their fellowship was electric as they worshipped.
Among that group were a few believers from Rome.  They were, I suspect, warmly included in that prayer meeting because believers are one in Christ regardless of nationality.  As this group met, the Spirit of God came upon them all.  They heard the sound of a rushing wind and God's power fell.  They were all changed. Forever. These Roman guests went back home to Rome and it is suspected that the Roman church was born by these few who had been transformed on their trip to Jerusalem. 

Great works of God, whether churches or ministries, are started by those who have been touched powerfully by the Spirit of God.  Leaders who are called by men take the stage and put people to sleep.  Their mission is academic and half-hearted.  They lack the fire of a God-call.
Oh, but those who see the glory of God, who feel the hand of God on their shoulders, who are changed by time in His presence, who experience the power of God as they hear their call into ministry, bring a combustible power to whatever they do.  Churches that are birthed in the sparks of a "Pentecost" may start in a godless, pagan place like Rome but they eventually change Rome and then the world.  Though Paul had never been to Rome, he knew of their faith and he was vested to write his most important work to build doctrine into their foundation of their church.  Education plus experience serves to make churches that can withstand the fires of Roman persecution. 

I do not know the future.  Will I be like my brothers and sisters in the Roman church who were strong enough to stand under fire?  Only if I strengthen my foundation with sound teaching.  Plant "Romans" in my spirit, Lord.  Amen

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