Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It seems to me that when we as believers are trying to tell others about the kingdom of God they are hearing "you better eat your vegetables" or "you better exercise" or some other exhortation to do something that you will not enjoy but it is good for you. I think what we are trying to say is "you've got to see this sunset" or "look at this waterfall" -- we've seen something so magnificent and so majestic and so beautiful, that to miss it would be tragic.

"God's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field.

"Or, God's kingdom is like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. Finding one that is flawless, he immediately sells everything and buys it.

Matthew 13:44-46

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