Thursday, June 12, 2008


There's something going on that started last weekend called One Prayer. As they say at their website:

One Prayer is unifying churches from all over the globe to stand together and promote unity in the body of Christ.

Here are ten prayer ideas from Mark Batterson:

Here are ten ideas, but let me give a warning upfront. Don't try all ten! Keep it simple. Here are ten ideas to consider for the 40 days.

1) Set Prayer Goals--pray thirty minutes five times a week. I know that sounds a little like "punching the clock" but it's a great way to develop a habit and I believe God smiles on those kinds of goals if our heart is to hear His voice and seek His heart.

2) Keep a Prayer Journal--this is a great way to cultivate the spiritual discipline of journaling. Yes, I think it's a spiritual discipline. It's a form of meditation.

3) Put together a prayer list--I think alot of us don't pray because we don't know what to pray for. Why not come up with a list, and add to it over time, that helps you remember what to pray for.

4) Pray through the newspaper--instead of reading about the elections pray about them. Pray about everything you read about!

5) Pray through your calendar--don't just go into a meeting. Pray about it beforehand.

6) Set Your Alarm an Hour Earlier for 40 Days

7) Turn Your commute into a prayer walk or prayer ride
--turn off the radio and tune God in.

8) Pray with your spouse before bed for forty days.

9) Pray through the Bible
--you hearing God's voice is more important than God hearing your voice. You can go broad and read through the New Testament. Or go deep and read through one book of the Bible.

10) Fast something--I've found that giving something up for 40 days helps me stay focused. Try soda or TV!

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