Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Thoughts from GLP on What Fires Your Passion?

Today as a staff we worked through how our schedules should reflect our desire for self-leadership. In essence, what things do I need to do on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis in order for me to be the very best I can be as one who vocationally serves God through the local church? Most of us had similar thoughts - eating well, exercise, retreats, and the like filled up the conversation. But in thinking about what activities I would add into my life, bigger questions rose to the surface of mind, not the least of which was: What keeps me passionate in life?

In other words, what things do I do that fire me up to live the life I live? For me, I can't think of very many personal evils worse than living a dispassionate life. It's not how I'm wired at all. I love living with an intensity, an edge...and being fired up about it all is simply par for the course. Call it hyper or being too revved up, it doesn't matter to me. I'd much rather be faulted for being too amped up than coming in day after day with barely a pulse. For me, living passionately is a vital cog in the machine of my self-leadership.

So I began to write down things that throw fuel on the fire of my passion for life. I'll give you a couple that I wrote down...


So, how would you answer this question?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What things do I need to do...in order for me to be the very best I can be as one who vocationally serves God through the local church? And what are the things that throw fuel on the fire of my passion for life? For me, from a physical standpoint it's exercising, eating proper food and getting enough sleep - these really revive me. From a mental standpoint, I need solitude to talk to God and recognize his greatness. (This solitude can happen in a garden or on a motorcycle) From a spiritual standpoint I can't get by without the kind of excellent dialogue and fantastic insights that my brothers and sisters share in Barry's class and in the men's Wed nite class! God's word juts pops out at me with new mind blowing realizations every week in these two studies. I learn so much from the brothers and sisters in our family!! And - reading good stuff. just finished The Gospel Reloaded, and now reading Escaping The Matrix (loaners from Adam) (I love the Matrix!) Sat in on a bible study with a new Christian a week ago. talk about fired up! A new Christian being fired up about what Jesus can do in your life will definitely warm you up if you're nearby. I don't experience this that often, but when i do...wow! -pj