Monday, August 27, 2007

The Superwoman Complex

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Monday, August 27, 2007 - The Superwoman Complex

I remember a plaque that used to be on the desk of a young woman who worked with me, which said, "Women today have to do twice as much as men and be twice as good to get half as far. Fortunately for us it isn't difficult." Well, that sounds good, but guess what–it's not true. It's very difficult to be superwoman; in fact, it's impossible.

There are various aspects to our superwoman complexes, and no overnight cure. I find it a continuing battle to keep learning and understanding that God has not called me to be superwoman. I do not have to jump through everyone else's hoops, nor be all things to all people.

Certainly God wants to use women in remarkable ways, and He is doing that all over the world today. We need more Christian women who are available to do great things for God. But we'll never do great things for God if we're victims of the superwoman complex.

Let's first think about our hectic schedules, find out where we're over-extending, and ask ourselves how by God's grace we can start to put an end to this exhausting attempt to be superwomen.

One thing that is helpful is just to take each day and each duty one at a time and not try to figure out right now how you're going to make it through the next five days with all you have to do. Believe me, this is one area I have not conquered. I tend to wake up in the morning and lie in bed thinking of the upcoming schedule, and then go into panic mode before the day even begins.

That's unproductive and wrong thinking. Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow because you're going to worry about tomorrow tomorrow, so why worry about it today! Just take today–it's enough. (Matthew 6:34) I talk to myself a lot to remind myself that I will do today what I can do, I will be as productive as possible today, and I will not keep thinking about the upcoming schedule. Just take it one day, one hour at a time. I encourage you to do that, too. We waste a lot of emotional energy in thinking and worrying about all we have to do instead of just taking the job at hand, giving it our whole heart, and doing it.

So, start fighting back at that Superwoman Complex by living one day, one hour at a time. Purpose in your heart today that by God's grace, you will not borrow from tomorrow. I believe you'll start to see a difference in your schedule and your attitude when you determine to live one day at a time.

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