Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Peace on Your Feet

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - If Your Body Matched Your Soul

Have you ever had problems with your feet? If your feet aren't in the best condition, it makes it rather difficult to do anything else, doesn't it? John greets Gaius in 3 John, where he writes, I pray you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. Gaius was in such good spiritual condition that John could pray his body would be as well off as his soul. Would you want someone to pray that for you? I'm not sure I would.

Maybe if our bodies reflected our spiritual condition, some of us would have problems with our feet. What causes foot problems? Well, sometimes it's wearing the wrong shoes. We women have experienced some of the consequences of wearing shoes designed, I'm convinced, by an evil-minded contortionist, with heels too thin and high for any human, and toes too narrow for a bird's feet. But our vanity has caused us to hobble around in those things called shoes, until our feet have suffered all kinds of problems.

We need to wear the right spiritual shoes. Ephesians 6 says to fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Put peace on your feet. Why in the world would you want peace on your feet? Because in this spiritual warfare, we have to be able to keep moving no matter what kind of situation we're in. In battle a soldier wears heavy boots designed to work in any environment–desert, snow, rocky or smooth terrain. And the gospel of peace on our feet keeps us going no matter what.

Have you been putting peace on your feet everyday before you leave home? You really shouldn't leave home without those shoes, because peace will keep you going in the midst of the worse kind of circumstances. Paul describes it as peace that transcends all understanding. I call it unreasonable peace–peace when you shouldn't feel peaceful. That's what will cure your foot problems, if you'll wear peace each day on your feet.

How do you do that? Pray on peace daily. "Lord, today, whatever situation arises, no matter who I have to deal with, no matter what emotions start creeping up on me or overtaking me, give me your peace on my feet, your constant presence in my life, so that I can stay in the battle and keep marching with your peace as my shoes."

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