Thursday, June 28, 2007


Grace " ...the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ... " Romans 5 : 15 (NIV)

During a conference in Britain on comparative religions, experts from around the world gathered to debate what belief, if any, was unique to the Christian faith. Resurrection? Other religions had accounts of people returning from the dead. Healing? Other religions had reports of miraculous healing too. The debate continued until C.S. Lewis stood up and simply said, Grace!"

The unmerited favor of God toward us - Grace - is uniquely Christian.If you were raised to believe that God forgives you reluctantly and only after you've squirmed a while, then grace probably sounds too good to be true. The idea that God's love is unconditional is hard to grasp, because acceptance for most of us has always been based on our performance. But not with God: " is the gift of God - not by works..." (Eph 2:8-9 NIV). If you believe you're saved by grace but kept by your own good works, every time you fail you'll have to prove to God all over again that you're worthy of His love. That's not salvation; that's probation!

Relax, God's grace won't run out before you get your act together. James says, "He gives us more grace"(Jas 4:6 NIV). Peter says we are "kept by the power of God through faith..." (1Pet 1:5). Faith is actively trusting in Jesus. It requires that you let go of your life - die to yourself - and let Jesus live in you. No more is required, no less will do! When Jesus said, "It is finished," He satisfied all God's claims against you. "But what about doing good works?" you ask. That's what we're saved for - not what we're saved by.

Think of good works as a "PS" to say, "Thank You Father, for Your amazing grace!"

(c)2004 Timothy L. Hudson, UGA Christian Campus Fellowship

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