Thursday, June 21, 2007

Finding Fulfillment in Work

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Thursday, June 21, 2007 - Finding Fulfillment in Work

I've been thinking lately about the subject of job fulfillment. Should that be one of our major goals in life, to find a job that is exciting and fulfilling? Here’s a quote from Elizabeth Elliot's book, Discipline: The Glad Surrender:

Interest and challenge can always be found in any task done for God. If our
work seems to be beneath us, if it becomes boring and meaningless, mere
drudgery, it may be a living, but it is not living. It is not the life of
freedom and fullness a disciple's life is designed to be. Does God ask us
to do what is beneath us? This question will never trouble us again if we
consider the Lord of heaven taking a towel and washing feet.
She goes on to say: "I once heard a formula guaranteed to prevent boredom: it is to have
1. Something to do
2. Someone to love
3. Something to look forward to.

The Christian has all these in Christ: work, a Master, a hope. Yet how easily we forget this."

Whoever said the grass always looks greener on the other side knew what he or she was talking about. I believe our enemy, Satan, uses this human propensity to destroy our joy. He makes us believe that if we had a different, more fulfilling job, every day would be an exciting adventure, never boring, never dull.

So, we plod away in the job we have, or expend much time and energy trying to find another one, instead of looking to God to bring meaning into whatever we do.

Now, I'm not saying that it's wrong to want a different type of job, to aspire to other positions, to educate and train ourselves for a job we find interesting. Certainly God has gifted each of us differently, and we are at our best when we're using our gifts appropriately. But if you've been thinking the right job would make you happy, please think again. Only Jesus can do that. Remember, seek Him first, and all these other things will be added.

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