Friday, March 09, 2007

Work Principles

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Friday, March 09, 2007 - Work Principles from King David - Part 1

No doubt you’ve heard the story of David and Goliath since you were a child. It’s a great story of the underdog–this young shepherd boy–going up against a nine-foot giant and winning. But you know, David had been unknowingly preparing for this huge battle as he tended those sheep.

Principle #5: Little battles in life get us ready for the big battles.

While tending those sheep, David had faced lions and bears as he rescued his sheep from their mouths. He had learned great courage in those small battles. He had also learned how to use a slingshot. Hour after hour sitting on those hills in Bethlehem, he had perfected his shot. Can’t you imagine a young boy like David, aiming that stone at a certain point over and over again, until he had the technique down perfectly?

So, those little battles he had faced, which no one knew about but him, were now giving him the experience and courage he needed to face a really big battle–defeating a huge giant. David’s private victories had prepared him for this public victory.

In the parable of the talents, Jesus taught us that before He will entrust us with big things, He tests us to see if we’re faithful in small things. To the two faithful servants in the parable, the master said, Well, done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things (Matthew. 25:23).

Maybe you’re in the "little things" category right now, and you’re itching for bigger and better things. But the question is, have you been faithful in the little things? Are you doing the job you have now with all your heart to the best of your ability? Can you be trusted to do the little things well? If not, God is not likely to entrust you with bigger things–and, by the way, neither is your employer!

It seems people want to have the big job without earning their right for it. I’ve had people ask me how they can have a radio program like this, expecting it to be a fairly easy and quick thing to do. But for me, it started with five women in my home on Monday evenings for many years, and then a small ministry at my church, and then God began to open wider doors. But they came slowly as I proved faithful in the small things.

So, if you are eager to rise to higher levels, that’s great. It’s good to have goals and ambitions, but remember to be faithful where you are now so that you can be trusted with bigger and better things. The little battles in life get us ready for the big ones!

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