Friday, August 18, 2006

Lack of Discipline?

Transcript, Christian Working Woman

Friday, August 18, 2006

Did you realize that the Bible tells us we can die for lack of discipline? I think there are people who are physically dying because they refuse needed discipline in their lives and it is having a very detrimental effect on their health and their bodies. But others of us see our effectiveness die, or our testimony, or our productivity, or our giftedness—because of lack of discipline in our lives.

So, what can we do? Earlier I encouraged you to identify a specific area where you need discipline and start working on it. Pray about it daily; find scripture that relates to it and memorize that scripture. Quote it daily and pray it into your life. And then, step by step, put a plan of action in place to help you put that discipline in your life—a little bit at a time.

I would also encourage you to read the Proverbs daily. There are 31 chapters, so it's easy to read the chapter that coincides with the day of the month. The second verse in Proverbs tells us that one of the reasons Solomon wrote these proverbs was to help us acquire a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair. And they do help. I can't tell you how many times God has spoken to me in the discipline department through the Proverbs. So, read one everyday.

Jesus said in John 13:17: "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." Most of us have large amounts of knowledge and tons of good intentions. But we've missed the blessing that comes by doing. We are blessed not by what we know, not by our intentions, but by what we do.

Paul wrote to Timothy that he should discipline himself for the purpose of godliness. Sometimes we think of godly people as people who are angelic, otherworldly beings, not like us. But, my friends, godly people are people who have put consistent disciplines into their lives, and simply stuck to it. God intends that all his children should live godly lives. But without discipline in our lives, godliness will not be our trademark.

Where is your discipline weak? In what areas are you dying for lack of discipline? Remember, he who ignores discipline despises himself. You do yourself great harm every day you refuse to put those needed disciplines in your life. I pray you'll get them going this very day. You will be blessed when you do.

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