Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Planting Seeds

Excerpt from Didn't See This Coming post:  Winter Time Memories (and who does not have those??)


I liked to just make tracks in the snow with my boots.  Sometimes the night time snow fall let my trails covered, yet I could still see my work.  I had been there,  My time in the snow was not erased.  That was comforting.  Like seeing my mud pies the day after I made them.  I had been there.  My work remained.

Growing up in the heartland, I wonder if the farmers felt like that.  The farmers planted wheat or other grains and as theses fields filled up - they too knew they had been there and they were producing a harvest for others to use.  Now, no one used my snow paths or my mud pies - but I had produced something - even if it was for myself.  It made me feel good.

Whatever you are doing today is leaving an impression - either on you or on others.  It's important to glance back and see where you've been and know you are present in this day - making another mark.  Don't forget to plant the seed of kindness as you are walking along.  That makes more of a difference than my boots ever did in the snow.

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