Thursday, July 23, 2009


Excerpt from Perry Noble's NOTHING Is Impossible With God

I began reading through the Gospel of Luke this week…and Luke 1:37 always captivates me,

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

This verse is the response of the angel Gabriel when asked by Mary, the mother of Jesus, how she was going to have a child since she was a virgin.

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

God is SO MUCH HIGHER than our problems, pain and perceived impossibilities that NOTHING is impossible with Him.

Mary’s question got her an answer that forced her to focus on the greatness of who God is…and the “impossibilties” that He can accomplish rather than depending on her own strength and wisdom.

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

SO…how about you…are you facing a seemingly impossible situation?

Maybe it’s your marriage…you’ve tried everything you know how to do and it looks like this is the week where you guys are going to hit the proverbial wall and it is all going to fall apart. You see no signs of things turning around and are tempted to give up…


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