Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Concluding paragraph from I'm Gucci Little Piggy and I Endorsed This Post


Again, let me be clear. This is not about being politically active as a believer. This is not about liking one candidate over another. This is about pastors pushing politicians. I think it is the duty of pastors to attempt to discern what the Bible says about the pressing issues of our day - abortion, homelessness, war, poverty, the family. That's not only fair ground, that's simply trying to help your congregation follow Jesus in obeying what his Word teaches (cf., Matthew 28:20). Let's just make sure that it's Jesus we're encouraged to follow, not any one politician. My hope is that pastors who deeply care about the Gospel and its centrality in both our people and our pulpits will be careful seeking to remind everyone that there is only one Savior and his name is not Obama or McCain.

To do any less is to settle for something less.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
- Psalm 20:7 (ESV)

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