Monday, July 16, 2007

If It's Not Light, It's Not Right!

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Monday, July 16, 2007 - If It’s Not Light, It’s Not Right!

Did you know that most people are lugging an invisible bag of burdens with them all the time: Over their shoulder, on their back, dragging along behind them. It saps their strength and destroys their joy, and damages their testimony for Christ as they constantly struggle with this bag of burdens.

Jesus told us that, "In this world we will have trouble." So, having troubles should come as no surprise. However, Jesus didn't stop with that dismal prediction. He added: "Take heart! I have overcome the world!" Our Savior has overcome the world and its troubles, and that means we don't have to carry heavy burdens with us.

A typical burden we Christians frequently carry around is worry. We worry about our family, our children, our parents. We worry about our job. We worry about our bills, where the money is coming from. We worry about our relationships and we worry about our health. Sometimes it seems some people will manufacture something to worry about, because they wouldn't know what to do if they weren't carrying that heavy burden called worry.

Many Christians carry around guilt, and that is a very heavy burden. Or fear. Fear of the future; fear that bad things will happen; fear that people won't like them; fear of failure; fear of being alone. I see so many Christians who are unhappy with who they are, feeling inadequate and unworthy.

Jesus told us in Matthew 11:28-29, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. But so few of us really ever apply that verse to our lives.

Here's a good thought to remember: If it's not light, it's not right. Christians should never carry heavy burdens, because we can always exchange our heavy, ugly burdens for Jesus’ light one. He can carry your burdens for you, if you'll just put them down and exchange them for His.

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