Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sowing and Reaping

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 - Principles of Sowing and Reaping

There are three major principles about sowing and reaping we should all know very well, because we are each sowing seeds in our lives on a daily basis, which later on we will reap. That first principle was that what you sow, you reap. If you sow oranges, you'll get oranges, not apples.

The second principle is that you always reap more than you sow. When we plant flower seeds, we reap many blossoms from one seed. When the farmers plant one grain of wheat, they reap many more grains of wheat from the single grain. We reap more than we sow.

Now, just consider how these two principles apply to our daily lives. What seeds did you sow yesterday? Did you work diligently, do your very best? Were you kind to others, willing to help, with a good attitude? If those are the kind of seeds you sowed yesterday, you will reap good things today.

Your work will be easier today because you worked hard yesterday. You won't be nearly as frantic and stressed out today because you don't have yesterday's work to do today. You'll find that people will treat you better today because you were kind to them yesterday. The help you gave someone else yesterday will come back to you today, when someone is willing to help you. You are reaping today what you sowed yesterday.

Furthermore, you're reaping more than you sowed. When you sow a good seed in someone's life, if reaps a multiple harvest which you usually never even know about. You extend kindness to someone, and they are encouraged to be kind to someone else. You role model a servant attitude, and other people reflect that in how they treat others. You may sow one little seed of doing something good, but it will reap a much larger harvest than you can imagine or will ever know.

It's always amazing to me to see how the seeds we sow in this ministry reap such multiple harvests. The CDs and transcripts we send out everyday travel everywhere, from one person to another, one state to another, one country to another. Those tiny good seeds each of us plant just keep multiplying in the lives of untold numbers for long periods of time.

But we also need to remember that when we sow the wrong seeds, they come back plentiful as well. Have you ever noticed how quickly weeds multiply? Let one dandelion seed get in your yard, and the whole lawn is overtaken with dandelions before you know it. You reap more than you sow, both good and bad.

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