Wednesday, April 11, 2007


“Your message burns in my heart . . . I cannot keep silent.” Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV)

God is passionate!

He loves certain things and hates others. And He impassions us for the things He cares about deeply. He impassions different people for different things. Whatever it is you will know it because you will feel compelled to speak up or do what you can to make a difference. Once impassioned we cannot keep from sharing what God has burned into our heart: “…a man’s heart determines his speech” (Matthew 12:34 TLB).

God may impassion you to champion a cause; often it will relate to something you have personally experienced such as abuse, addiction, divorce, depression, a disease, a social evil, or some other challenge.

God uses passionate people to fulfill His purposes. He may give you a burning desire to fund new churches, support Christian missions, or make special ministry opportunities possible. You may be given a passion for reaching a particular group of people: college students, businessmen, teenagers, singles, foreign exchange students, unwed mothers, prisoners, victims of incest, even those with a particular hobby or sport. If you ask God, He will burden your heart for a specific country, ethnic group, or sub-culture.

God gives each of us different passions so that everything He wants done, will get done! But do not expect everybody to be equally passionate about your passion. Learn to listen to and value the other person’s God-given passion, because nobody can do it all. Never belittle somebody’s passion: “It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good…” (Galatians 4:18 NIV).

What do you feel passionate about today? Do something about it!
(c)2007 Timothy L. Hudson, UGA Christian Campus Fellowship

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