Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Relationships of Grace

The command we have from Christ is blunt: Loving God includes loving people.
1 John 4:21, The Message

"We are faced, daily, with the reality that something has gone wrong with our families. Our children fight and quarrel; our parenting misfires. We are involved in failure, and we feel guilty.

Something has, of course, gone wrong, with the family, but it went wrong long before we came on the scene. It is futile to complain or feel guilty. We can, though, go to work and nurture family life on the new grounds provided by the Holy Spirit. Blood relationships are transformed into relationships of grace. Our natural families are informed and redeemed by the same principles that are foundational in the community of the Holy Spirit, the church."

Like Dew Your Youth

Eugene Peterson, God's Message for Each Day

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