Thursday, October 26, 2006


"The Indian leader Gandhi was once asked by a fried, "If you admire Christ so much, why don't you become a Christian?" And Ghandi supposedly said, "When I find a Christian who follows Christ, I will."

In America, the term "Christian" is applied to anyone who is not a Muslin, Jew, or atheist. It's a cultural label, not a label of personal faith. There are many so-called Christians in our world who are not followers of Jesus. And it is an personal indictment on those who are genuine Christians that the non-Christ-followers can't always be distinguished from those who claim to follow Christ.

Christianity is not a demographic label. It is not a religion. It is not a set of religious practices and precepts. It is none of those things the world thinks it is. Nor is Christianity preaching, performance, praising, or proselytizing, as many Christians think it is. Christianity is a relationship with a person. Christianity is Christ and Christ alone.

Jesus' words to Peter are His words to us. "Follow me" is a reminder that He is to be our focus and leader. "Follow Me" means that we are to turn our backs on everything else that might compete for our interest so that we can follow Him. That's what it means to be a Christ-follower."

David Jeremiah, "Knowing Who You Are", Ready!Set!Growth!

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