Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Those Days

Scotty Smith:  A Prayer for Strength for “One of THOSE Days”

“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’” Zechariah 4:6-7
Dear Lord Jesus, it’s looking like one of THOSE days—one of those days I’m dreading like a root canal; like a busy interstate turned parking lot when I’m in a hurry to get home; like having to organize a garage filled with three years of clutter. I’m already wishing I was just finishing supper rather than soon enjoying breakfast. Am I whining? Yes I am, Lord, but I’m bringing my bad attitude and my very busy day to you.

You promised the sufficiency of your Spirit to Zerubbabel—the doubting governor of Jerusalem faced with the overwhelming task of rebuilding the Temple. My task is not nearly as daunting, neither am I facing a mountain than needs to be leveled. But I am no less in need of the power of the Holy Spirit today. I feel like my might and power are the equivalent of one AAA battery facing a day requiring a whole power plant. So I take you at your word, O LORD of hosts.

Jesus, please give me emotional strength to be really present with all the people I’ll meet with today. I’ve taken on more than is reasonable and my temptation will be to objectify each situation and move through my schedule as quickly as possible. But nobody is “just” an appointment to keep, a problem to solve or somebody to fix. I’ll be with your sons and daughters today—broken, like me; needing you, like me; precious in your sight, like me.

Please give me spiritual strength to be discerning, wise and faithful to the gospel. Enable me to listen below the waterline of normal conversation. Help me hear what’s really being said not spend most of my energy simply rehearsing my next words. Help me resist the “pulls” and the temptation to give pragmatic formulas for situations demanding a demonstration of the truth and power of the gospel.

Please give me physical strength as the day goes on. Doing hard and heart work is exhausting, and the more tired I get the less likely I am to love well. I can do all things through you, Lord Jesus, for you give strength that we simply do not have in ourselves.

Our great joy and hope is in knowing that you are the fulfillment of Zechariah’s vision of the completed temple. Lord Jesus, you are the top stone, capstone and cornerstone of the everlasting temple (1 Peter 2:4-10). When we trust in you, we are never shamed or disappointed. Help us fix our gaze on you today and offer heartfelt shouts of thanksgiving and praise. “Grace, grace from you,” O, faithful and loving Savior. So very Amen, we pray in your name, with anticipation and hope.

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