Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reveal More and More

Scotty Smith:  A Prayer for Seeing MUCH More of the Gospel

The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Cor. 4:4
Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gift of another day. Please fill our gaze with your beauty, our minds with your truth, and our hearts with more of the gospel—MUCH more of the gospel. If the main strategy of the kingdom of darkness is to keep unbelievers in the dark about the gospel of your glory and grace, why would we think evil would choose some other tactic for believers—for us? So as we pray for our unbelieving friends today, we also pray for ourselves.

Jesus, reveal more and more of the gospel to us—more and more of who you really and fully are; more and more of what you’ve already accomplished by your life, death, and resurrection for us; more and more of your life of heavenly orchestration, intercession and advocacy on our behalf; more and more of what you’re continuing to do in your commitment to make all things new; more and more of what it’s going to be like to live with you and the whole family of God in the new heaven and new earth. Show us, convince us, dazzle us, change us . . . and then show us even more.

Lord Jesus, don’t let us frame any notion of God apart from you, for you are the very image of God—God incarnate. Don’t let us read any part of the Bible without thinking about you—for everything written about you in the law of Moses, the Prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled (Luke 24:44). Don’t let us desert you, even for fifteen minutes, by turning to some other gospel—which is really no gospel at all (Gal. 1:6–7). As the gospel is producing fruit and growing all over the world, so may it enlarge our hearts and bring forth lasting fruit to your glory (Col. 1:6).

Jesus, you’ve already moved us from total blindness to a 20/200 vision of the gospel. But take us on to 20/100, then 20/50, then 20/20, then 20/15, until the day we see you with glorified eyes. In that day we’ll see you as you are and we will be like you (1 John 3:2). Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! What a heart-liberating and life-purifying this hope is!  By the light of this hope, we surrender to your purposes for this day. So very Amen, we pray in your peerless and powerful name. Amen.

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