Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Follow Jesus Faithfully and Courageously

Excerpt from Ian Morgan Cron post:  "I Don't Get It.  What Do You Do For A Living?"


Finally, I curate a program called Conversations in Courage and Faith, which I developed at Christ Episcopal Church in Greenwich, CT. This program was inspired by one of my heroes, Thomas Merton, who began his 1967 Advent-Christmas Letter with the words, “The times are difficult. They call for courage and faith.” 

(Those two sentences kill me me every time I read them.)

The mission of the program reads: “Conversations on Courage and Faith is a program that seeks to provide environments, lectures, artistic performances and spiritual experiences that will inspire and equip people to live Christianly in our postmodern world. Our hope is to stimulate generative conversation about what it means to follow Jesus faithfully and courageously in our daily lives.” 


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