Friday, February 26, 2010

No Expiration Date

Mark Batterson post:  A Jericho Prayer

Fourteen years ago I did a prayer walk all the way around Capitol Hill. It was inspired by Joshua 1:3: "I will give you everyplace you set your foot."

I don't think there is any "magical" about that text. And I realize that Joshua 1:3 is a promise given to Joshua in relation to The Promise Land. But I also believe there are moments when God challenges you to step out in faith and claim a Promise Land of your own. That's what I did fourteen years ago with that prayer walk. It was a Joshua 1:3 moment.

There is something about praying around something that unleashes divine intervention. I like to think of it as a Jericho prayer. And Ebenezers is a good example. We didn't just stand on the property and pray. We didn't just lay hands on the walls and pray. We did prayer walks around it Jericho style!

Now here is the beautiful thing: prayer has no expiration date. I believe God is still answering that prayer. And He answers those prayers in ways we couldn't even conceive of. Our vision is much bigger than Capitol Hill now. And we've since become a regional church via multi-site. But Capitol Hill is still the epicenter where things began. And I can't wait to see how God answers that fourteen year-old prayer over the next thirty years!

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