Monday, September 08, 2008


Excerpts from Complementarian Viewpoint and Sarah Palin post by Dan Kimball


It is dawning on me however, as I have been reading some blogs and hearing which Christian leaders are excited about her - many of them are from conservative complementarian churches. Which means as they are enthusiastic about her becoming vice president and making incredibly important decisions for our country for both men and women and make speeches and lead - she couldn't teach in most of their pulpits, or be an elder or pastor in their church and make decisions and lead both men and women in a church setting.


I'd love to hear how those with a complementarians sort this out or if others have thought about this. I understand that some complementarian churches do allow a female to preach on occasion (under the authority of the males elders) and some will call a female a pastor, generally if it is females they are pastoring. I assume the complementarian response is that the sphere of leading as a pastor or elder in a local church is different than the sphere of leading the entire country. But it is an interesting thing to ponder if you simply lay that out and think about its functional reality. I would love to hear how responses will go, as I cannot imagine this won't be coming up in discussions. Any thoughts on this or am I stretching things too much here in trying to even compare the two spheres of leadership as the same or are they?


This post has generated a huge response on Dan's blog. You might want to go to the link to read comments.

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