Friday, January 18, 2008

Unintentional Barriers

Excerpt from Dan Kimball's blog Vintage Faith talking about his upcoming weekend as part of the Rethink Conference:

I will be talking about the gospel and how Christian sub-culture and Christians can unintentionally create barriers for people hearing the gospel. Yes, I know that it is the Spirit of God who does all the convicting and drawing people to Jesus. But we do have our part, and often our part has been either staying in our non-missional Christian world and hanging out only with our Christian friends..... or it has been losing our witness by non-credible testimony and conforming too much to the world..... or that our approach to evangelism is not effective in our current culture and can even be detrimental. So I hope to give positive examples of churches across America who are seeing great fruit from their missional Spirit-empowered efforts.

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