Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Setting Biblical Priorities

Christian Working Woman Transcript

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - Setting Biblical Principles

In addition, another clear guideline that I frequently consider is the eternal value of what I'm doing. Our priorities should be determined by what will last for eternity. Not much of what we actually see and touch and feel here on earth is going to make it to the forever category. How much of your life is spent on very temporary things?

I remember when our church had a disastrous fire some years ago, and our lovely Steinway grand piano was destroyed, along with a magnificent pipe organ. I stood in the church sanctuary and cried as I saw the ashes and ruins. But quietly the Spirit of God said to me, "They were going to burn up anyway, Mary." It was one of those reminders that you never forget: All these material things that seem so valuable now and to which we give so much of our time and energy–they aren't going to make it to forever.

What will last forever? God's Word, we're told, endures forever. How much of your time is devoted to God's Word? Do you read it more than any other book? Do you read it regularly? I was having dinner with a neighbor who said, "You know, Mary, I'm so glad you introduced me to the joy of reading the Bible. I never used to read it much. Now I read it everyday–I wouldn't miss it." She's changed some priorities and put the Word of God at the top of her list. Smart lady.

Are you teaching a Sunday School class? That's an eternal investment. Are you involved in a Bible study group? Spending time in God's Word shows you've got your priorities in pretty good shape. I used to hesitate to challenge people to spend an hour a day getting to know God because I was afraid it would seem overwhelming, but I don't anymore. Anything I can do to help you establish God's Word as the central focus of your life, I will do without embarrassment, because I know I'll be helping you establish the most important priority in your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is the quote of the week: "Anything I can do to help you establish God's Word as the central focus of your life, I will do without embarrassment, because I know I'll be helping you establish the most important priority in your life." -Paul J.