Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What Is Happening?

Elizabeth Elliot Devotional

Title: What is Happening?

What on earth is happening in our culture? The answer is plain, I'm afraid, in Romans 1 and 2.
Men render truth dumb and inoperative by their wickedness. They refuse to acknowledge God or to thank Him for what He is or does. They become fatuous in their argumentations. Behind a facade of wisdom they become fools. They give up God. They forfeit the truth of God and
accept a lie. They overflow with insolent pride; their minds teem with diabolical invention. They recognize no obligations to honor, lose all natural affection, and have no use for mercy.
They do not hesitate to give their thorough approval to others who do the same (see Romans 1:18-2:5, PHILLIPS).

Can we condemn them without subjecting ourselves to the same standard of judgment by which we condemn? Of course we can't. Judgment must be righteous judgment (John 7:24), based on the Word of God.

"There is no doubt at all that he will 'render to every man according to his works,' and that means eternal life to those who, in patiently doing good, aim at the unseen.... "It also means anger and wrath for those who rebel against God's plan of life. "But there is glory and honor and peace for every worker on the side of good" (see Rom. 2:6-10, PHILLIPS).

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