Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Edge of Glory

Thank you for your love,
thank you for your faithfulness.
Psalm 138:2, The Message

"Why did David dance? David, dancing before the Ark, reckless and joyful.

David had been living dangerously all his life -- with lions and bears, a taunting giant and a murderous king, marauding Philistines and cunning Amalekites, in wilderness caves and wadis. And with and in God: running and hiding, praying and loving. ... In and under these conditions David had learned to live openly, daringly, trustingly, and exultantly before God.

In God, David had access to life that exceeded his capacity to measure or control. He was on the edge of mystery, of glory. And so he danced."

Leap Over a Wall

The Edge of Glory, God's Message for Each Day by Eugene Peterson.

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