Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Do You Think

Scotty Smith:  A Prayer for Wednesday of Holy Week

     While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, “What do you think about the Christ?” Matthew 22:41
     Dear Lord Jesus, it’s Wednesday of Holy Week. The question you directed to Pharisees en route to the cross, you still put before us. “What do you think about the Christ?”  There’s no more important question for us to wrestle throughout our lives. No other question has the power to disrupt us and delight us like this one.
     What  do I think about you, Lord Jesus? Who do I think you are? You are God and I’m a mere man. I would despair if you were anything less and I get weary of trying to be more. You are the creator, sustainer and restorer of all things. You don’t just care about my soul, you care about everything you have made. One day you will return to finish making all things new.
     Lord Jesus, I honor you as the promised Messiah—the one who fulfills every promise the Father has made. You as the second Adam—our substitute in death and in life. You lived a life of perfect obedience for us and you exhausted God’s judgment that stood against us. You are our complete forgiveness and our perfect righteousness before the Father. Nothing will every separate us from your love. I humbly and confidently stake my life and my death upon what you’ve done for us.
     Lord Jesus, there’s so much more to who you are, and eternity will be a perpetual discovery of the inexhaustible riches found in you. But this particular holy week, I’m especially comforted to know you are always thinking about us. It’s what you think about us that makes all the difference to me.
     We are in your heart and on your mind all the time. You are always praying for us and advocating for us before the Father. You greatly delight in us and you will never be ashamed of us. Indeed, you know us the best and you love us the most. With fresh gratitude and knee-buckling awe, we worship and adore you on this Wednesday of Holy Week.  So very Amen, we pray, in your name-above-all-names name.

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