Friday, December 31, 2010


Excerpts from Ed Stetzer  My interview in Bible Study Magazine

Bible Study Magazine is a non-denominational publication that works to provide readers with tools and methods for Bible study, as well as insights from respected Bible teachers, professors, historians and archaeologists. The content is diverse, always interesting, and helpful. I was recently interviewed for the magazine and am allowed to share a few excerpts below.


On why reading and studying the Bible is important for Christians...

Stetzer: I think right now we're in a season where a lot of people are realizing that we aren't making as many disciples out there as we would like. Our LifeWay Research studies show a lack of discipleship among many evangelical Christians, and so people often wonder, what's the answer to that? Issues such as preaching, missional living, and belonging to a covenant community are all part of the solution. But I think there's no question that an essential element is leading God's people to consistently engage God's Word through reading, studying and memorizing it. Biblical illiteracy is prevalent and personal commitment to God's Word is the only real answer.

Church leadership must challenge people to be in the Word of God--consistently growing in their knowledge of the Scriptures.


BSM: You have written about some of the challenges in churches today. How do you think Bible study relates to that?
Stetzer: I think there are some big challenges. One of the greatest is the Evangelical angst occurring in North America. Evangelicals in our country are just not sure of who they are or where they're going. I think they need to engage the Scriptures to find the answers.

Perhaps what Evangelicals need most right now is a strategy for biblical literacy. We need to get--as one organization is named--"back to the Bible." It will help us be more gracious and winsome in the way we communicate, and some evangelicals need that.

It could help some Evangelicals have a clearer view on controversial issues. It will help us to understand and communicate a clear gospel as laid out in the Scriptures--a gospel of the cross and of the kingdom.

The Word of God is essential to where we are right now.

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