Monday, December 21, 2009

Not An End

Mark Batterson post:  Means vs. Ends

I think one of the primary problems we face in Western Christianity is the simple fact that so many people view going to church as an end instead of a means to an end. Let me explain. For those who subconsciously view church as an end in and of itself, going to church is the way they do their religious duty. They check church off the religious list. But do you really think God's ultimate dream for our lives is to sit in a pew for ninety minutes?

Going to church isn't an end. It's a means to an end. The real test is how we live out our faith Monday to Friday. That's where the rubber meets the road. Church is the locker room talk or the boardroom talk. Choose your metaphor. It's not the game. It's not the business. It prepares us for the game of life, the business of life.

Sure hope this makes sense. It's subtle. But I think it's one reason why people go to church on Sundays but don't live like it on Mondays.

It's not an end. It's a means to an end.

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