Friday, February 22, 2008


Conclusion of Let's Put Worship Back in the Worship Service by Rebecca Groothuis

What would happen if churches began focusing on ministry to God in worship before concentrating on ministries geared toward meeting people’s many needs? What if “upreach” preceded outreach? If church growth were understood in terms of the spiritual growth of its members? If, as a result, there was such a desire to offer mighty praises to God that only the best music came to be seen as an appropriate expression of such worship? Spiritual revival, effective evangelism, cultural influence without compromise, yes, and even church growth would doubtless follow such a revolution in the perception of the place and purpose of worship in the worship service.

Let us, therefore, take seriously the task of perfecting the art of worship. This is not only a duty; it is a delight. For in worship more than in any other activity we begin to realize the meaning of our existence, and the reality of God’s.

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